How Long Does It Take for a Fever to Go Away on Its Own?

The kids are back in school, fall sports seasons are well underway, and you hopefully have your new family’s routine down and it seems like its smooth sailing. Except wait—the school just called and one of your children has a fever.

This time of year is common for kids to get sick when everyone comes back together under one roof again. Fevers are one of the most common symptoms of illness, so don’t immediately panic as you get in the car to go pick up your child.

While having a fever might not be the most pleasant part of your child’s day, it actually serves an important purpose. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte team explains more about fevers below.

Why Do We Get Fevers?

Our bodies have an incredible way of taking care of us. They know what we need and what we don’t on a daily basis, and they will jump into action to get rid of anything that could be dangerous or harmful. When we contract an illness, our immune systems will kick into high gear to help.

A fever is one of the first immune responses that will occur. The rise in temperature creates a more hostile environment for the virus or bacteria to grow and replicate, and it slows down this process so your immune system can work more effectively. The fever will eventually fade away as your body fights the infection.

Common Reasons for Fevers

  • Influenza
  • Ear infections
  • Chickenpox
  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary tract infections

How Long Do Fevers Last?

Every person and illness is different, so there is no hard deadline for when a fever will end. However, most minor fevers last from only a few hours to two days. After that, the majority of people’s immune systems will have won the fight at that point and the infection will be gone.

While having a more serious fever is rare, you should keep an eye out for a fever that lasts longer than three days, reaches 103 degrees or won’t be treated with OTC medication. These instances can indicate a more serious underlying condition and should always be checked out by a medical provider.

Potential Symptoms That Accompany High Fevers

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Confusion
  • A spreading rash
  • Seizures
  • Stiff neck

Fevers can be frustrating to deal with at home. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte any day of the week.