What Are the Risks of Developing Asthma as an Adult?

Did you know that developing asthma isn’t just reserved for childhood? Unfortunately, adults are diagnosed with asthma all the time, even if they didn’t have any symptoms or risk factors as children.

It is not unheard of to get an asthma diagnosis as a 50 or 60 years old after living without any symptoms previously. Usually, some sort of predisposition or chronic exposure to an irritant can trigger the emergence of asthma.

If you think your most recent wheezing or trouble breathing may indicate asthma, our staff at AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte will help you break it all down below.

What Does It Mean to Develop Asthma as an Adult?

Childhood asthma and adult-onset asthma have the same effect on your lungs and produce similar symptoms, but adult asthma can be more troublesome in your daily life. Typically, childhood asthma symptoms present themselves after a specific trigger or physical activity, but adult asthma is much more persistent and produces symptoms more consistently on a daily basis.

Since decreased lung function is a common part of aging, adult asthma is also often misdiagnosed, which can make having the disease more dangerous if you don’t receive the proper treatment. There are some risk factors that you should avoid when you can.

Triggers for Adult Asthma

  • Continued exposure to hazards at work or in your home
  • Pregnancy or menopause, change in hormones can make it appear
  • Persistent colds or flus
  • Smoking

Is Avoiding Adult Asthma Possible?

While you can’t completely prevent developing asthma throughout your life, you can certainly take some steps to give yourself the best chance of avoiding it! Eat well, exercise often and kick your smoking habit. Getting fresh air and avoiding any consistent work hazards like chemicals or other triggers are also good ideas.

However, if you do find yourself with an asthma diagnosis as an adult, do not fret! All it takes is adjusting how you approach certain things and knowing when to give yourself adequate rest.

Tips for Managing Asthma

  • See your doctor with any concerns quickly.
  • Keep a current inhaler on you at all times.
  • Rest when needed.
  • Start any new exercise regimen slowly.

Your asthma shouldn’t define you! If you have questions about your diagnosis, come see us AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte.